<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BEG. OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (c) Cervenka Consulting 2000-2023 ----------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES FOR AmQuake version 3.10 ----------------------------------------- Modified January 2023 by Zdenek Janda CONTENTS: ========= 1. INTRODUCTION 2. INSTALLATION 3. DOCUMENTATION 4. PROGRAM EXECUTION 5. KNOWN PROBLEMS 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES 7. LIABILITY & WARRANTY 8. CONTACTS 1. INTRODUCTION This document contains release notes for AmQuake. All bugs and problems should be reported by e-mail to support@amquake.eu. 2. INSTALLATION Execute the installation file on your computer. After the installation is completed use the provided serial key and register the program on-line. The registration is performed from the About menu. There the user selects the License Activation button. Before doing that it is necessary to attach a supported USB memory flash disk to your computer. During the license activation it is necessary to select this USB disk from the list of detected Usb devices. The registration process will generated a license file, which will be stored in the attached USB disk. The program can then be executed on any computer, to which this USB flash dist is connected. In case of damage or lost of this USB disk it is necessary to contact the program distributor and require a new serial number. 3. DOCUMENTATION Documentation is contained in the subdirectory Documentation, which is installed in the program directory after a successfull installation. 4. PROGRAM EXECUTION Execute the link in the Start Program menu on your computer. 5. KNOWN PROBLEMS The entire risk as to the results and performance of the SOFTWARE is assumed by the user. Cervenka Consulting shall not be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the use of the software. 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES Version 3.10 (monday 2 January 2023) - some minor improvements and bug fixes Version 3.9 (friday 31 August 2018) - updated Romanian bricks database - improvements in "Change model CM to RM" - some additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 3.8 (Wednesday 18 July 2017) - fixed bug in core version 3.7 Version 3.7 (Wednesday 17 May 2017) - updated Czech bricks database - fixed bug in case of infill wall in ground floor Version 3.6 (Wednesday 21 November 2016) - fixed bug in case of "Change rigid link to element" and wall in the same location as a center of gravity of the building Version 3.5 (Wednesday 26 October 2016) - updated Romanian bricks database - improvements in "Change model CM to RM". Now you can also use reinforced masonry - some additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 3.4 ((Monday 25 July 2016) - news Cyprus building standard - fixed bug in material numbering. If you have project with the same material numbers, plese recalculate it. - some additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 3.3 ((Monday 27 June 2016) - update map and coefficient for Czech building standard - fixed bug in calculation masonry parameters from brick and thin layer mortar - some additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 3.2 (Monday 20 June 2016) - fixed bug in import dxf (RC ring) Version 3.1 (Friday 13 May 2016) - improvements in model meshing Version 3.0 (12 April 2016 - ZJ birthday) - improvements in models when the discontinuous walls in vertical direction - possibility for changing national standard - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 2.2 (30 July 2014) - improvements in meshing lintels and parapets around windows - update of theory manual related to the implementation new Romanian standards - corrected problems when running version 2 under 32bit Windows - corrected problems in license management - corrected problems in meshing and loading RM structures - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 2.1 (10 June 2014) - updates of Romanian brick catalog - fixed bug in shear response in Romanian code - fixed bug in writing licence - Undo, redo functions improvements - improvements in the automatic generation of the equivalent frame model - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 2.0 (18 April 2014) - new Romanian CR6+P100 2013 building code - Undo, redo functions - seismic maps of individual countries are directly accessible in the program - improved and more stable load stepping algorithm during the pushover analysis - improvements in the automatic generation of the equivalent frame model - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 1.25 (18 July 2012) - new features and result data available in pushover analyses new results: norm period, max reference ground acceleration, ductility - reinforcement cover value used in the automatic generation of the reinforced concrete crossection - improvements in automated finite element model generation - new run option: use best iteration method will use iteration with lowest error. This feature improves the accuracy and stability of the nonlinear analysis - new stop options: after ULS and DLS / ULS / Failure - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 1.24 - improvements in automated finite element model generation - corrected problems, when extensive editing of ceilings definition was causing a corruption of the model. - new licence option: university/ student version. This version is not limited in problem size, but the university name is written in all figures and the protocol printout is limited to 10 entries for each result table. Version 1.23 - improvements in meshing Version 1.22 - Nrd reported in the Ultimate Forces, previously only Ned was reported in the output tables. - first release of the Romanian version Version 1.21 - improved monitors input file - fixed bug in Import DXF material Version 1.20 (20 May 2011) - new option for reinforcement visualization in concrete elements - improved automatic generation of RM model from CM - improvements in DXF import - bug in editing masonry material in Slovenian material catalogue - new visualization of failure status - fixed bugs in rounding in DXF dialog - fixed bugs in selecting objects - improvements in protocol generation - none material and import new in all comboboxes. - some new warning messages with edit, copy and delete objects - optimalization for faster analysis times - improvements in calculation of distribution of horizontal sesmic force - better control for Open GL window - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 1.18-1.19 were skipped Version 1.17 - improvements in users settings for the pushover curve calculation using Arc-Length control - new integrated command for contacting AmQuake support team - optimalization for faster calculation - many additional minor improvements and bug fixes Version 1.16 - improvements in Romanian code - student mode - new parameter P_F_stop_analysis - new graph look - display of reinforcements - automatic generation of RM model for confined masonry - XY smart reinforcements in RM model - absolut positions of reinformcements in RM model - updated building standards - improvements in settings for reinforcements in materials - area in reinforcements parameters - improvements in RC Ring meshing - improvements in windows meshing - new settings for Arc-Length control, limits on step size changes - many others improvements Version 1.15 - fixed some bugs in comboboxes - improvements in OpenGL - fixed bugs in OverStrengthFactor calculation - improved shear and moment strength calculation - improvement of convergence characteristics Version 1.14 - editable concrete weight parameter - import ceiling hole from dxf - new parameters eps_m, eps_mu eps_c3 and eps_cu3 in masonry and concrete - MDOF, SDOF - improvements in OpenGL - improvements in mesh - checking for walls/windows conflict Version 1.13 - fixed some bugs in OpenGL - fixed some bugs in moments from exc. - rotation of local system of elements. - some default parameters update Version 1.12 - fixed bug in licence test - fixed bug in masonry dialog - changes in DXF Import dialog - select all/none in grids - fixed bug in ecccentricity - fixed bug in load coeff. for walls - edit of p_d and ecc_for_load coeff. - zoom all button - switched orientation of element local coordinate system Version 1.11 (August 8th, 2010) - fixed crash error during analysis on some Win XP systems - button "Change orientation" for wall and window - improvements in the program manual - improvements in the stability of DXF import - compatibility issues with CR6 and P100 - seismic parameter Dynamic Beta0 - phi_vlt parameter for shear strength - possibility to define an excentricity for wall vertical loading - improvement of the analysis protocol - safety margin reported in % in the summary table - equilibrium check of vertical forces and reactions - possibility to define an opening in the ceiling - new options for mesh generation - short beams rigid - full diaphragma effect of the ceiling - support for dryfix mortar - support for infilled walls - many other problems were fixed Version 1.5 (June 1st, 2010) - first official release Version 1.3 - better meshing - Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgaria Wienerberger catalog - improving of protocol output - many other bugs were fixed Version 1.2 - bug in dead load of wall - France Wienerberger catalog - bug in OpenGL Zoom - improving of ceiling mesh - control test in ceiling areas - many other bugs were fixed Version 1.1 - textures of walls - simple / standard mode - bug in ceilings - bug in dead load of wall - Croatia Wienerberger catalog - many other bugs were fixed Version 1.0 - first version of the program. 7. LIABILITY & WARRANTY The entire risk as to the results and performance of the SOFTWARE is assumed by the user. Cervenka Consulting shall not be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the use of the software. 8. CONTACTS Cervenka Consulting, ltd. Na Hrebenkach 2667/55 150 00, Czech Republic tel: +420220610018 email: cervenka@cervenka.cz, info@amquake.eu, support@amquake.eu www: www.cervenka.cz, www.amquake.eu <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END. OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>