3.10 version released.
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AmQuake Newsletter
AmQuake = ATENA Masonry earthQuake
Software for Design of Masonry Buildings according to Eurocode 6 and 8.
We are happy to announce the program AmQuake for earthquake/seismic design of masonry buildings. The program name is AmQuake, and it is a result of a close cooperation between Červenka Consulting and Wienerberger, major European manufacturer of masonry systems.
The program will help engineers to design safe masonry buildings in the seismic regions of Europe. This development was initiated by the introduction of Eurocode 6 and 8 in Europe. These standards have become mandatory in the European Union starting from March 2010, and they enforce strong rules for masonry buildings in seismic regions. AmQuake is using pushover analysis and the equivalent frame method to check the seismic safety of masonry buildings in a graphical user friendly environment.
The program is localized into 11 European versions and translated into 14 languages. You can check our AmQuake Tour to give you a feeling of the program look and functionality.
We have also some brochures about AmQuake, download it in Download section.
Buy now online for only 390 €.