3.10 version released.
Get your own AmQuake license within 5 minutes using our online shop .
AmQuake Newsletter
Dear AmQuake user,
First we would like to thank you for your interest in AmQuake. This website can be used to purchase the program AmQuake for seismic assessment of masonry or combined masonry/concrete buildings. Please, let us inform you about the purchasing process. In order to buy the program you will need to complete the following steps:
(1) Please, first register your company information in our website. You will receive a confirmation email with activation link.
(2) Then log into to select the number of AmQuake licenses and choose your payment method. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. For credit card payment you will be redirected to a banking terminal for secured communication. No credit card data are communicated or stored in our website.
(3) After the payment you will receive an invoice as well as a license number for AmQuake program.
(4) AmQuake software can be downloaded at any time, even before the payment.
(5) For the activation of the program full capabilities, you will need the license number from step (3) as well as USB memory stick of your choice. The registration process is described in detail in the program user manual, which will be installed during the program installation.
Again thank you for choosing AmQuake. We hope you will find it useful for your engineering work.
We are also looking forward to your feedback, comments or suggestions for further improvement. Please use our AmQuake forum:
With best regards
Your AmQuake team at Cervenka Consulting